In the reception pod there will be a brief summary of commands. And how to use them. "RL Rooms" such as the reception pod will have a base room description. After the description there will be indications as to which directions you can go in order to get to another room. Only players who are in the same room can speak to one another.
Ways to connect to cyberdreams
There are many ways to connect to the game. The easiest being the Login button on the main page of this website. It is a simple terminal client that you can access on any Web Browser
This client is HTML 5 based and will work on all web browsers on PC or Mobile.
Usinng a PC Client
CyberDreams is best experienced with a PC client such as BeipMU. It supports many visualization features that compliment the gameplay experience. You can fun more information on this client here.
BeipMU features include customizable text, an expandable image viewing window, visualized statistics. It also has a separate channel pane and the ability to build elaborate triggers for any customization you could think of!
A Mobile Client
There are many good mobile clients available for download.
Our server information is as follows:
Port: 8888
If you need a client, we would recommend BlowTorch. It has many features and has up to date support!
This is the BlowTorch client for Android. A very customizable client with the ability to set hotkeys for frequently used commands.